Are you well prepared for the forthcoming PSC CIC (Concentrated Inspection Campaign) on fire safety issues ? (1 Sep - 30 Nov 2023)

This year there will be concentrated efforts by Port State Control (PSC) authorities to tackle an alarming increase of fire-related incidents onboard ships. In view of this, a CIC (Concentrated Inspection Campaign) will take place between 1 September - 30 November 2023, which will focus on fire safety, from a technical but also operational point-of-view. 🧯👩🚒🔥
Don't leave your fleet unprepared
The CIC will be carried out by Paris MOU & Tokyo MOU & has been triggered by an alarming increase of fire-safety-related deficiencies being recorded in recent years. The PSC inspectors will focus on numerous items onboard, some of which often go unnoticed even by an experienced eye.
Oil accumulation
Oil accumulation in machinery areas and/or oil leaks from pipes & machineries. In some cases, it has also been observed that pipe insulation has been oil-soaked (due to leaks concealed by the insulation itself). It’s a deficiency that will hardly go unnoticed by PSC inspectors !
Oil-collecting buckets/cans
That’s a definite NO ! Same applies for buckets containing oil-soaked waste, such as wiping rags etc.
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Water-mist nozzles
Are they fully operational & free of temp cover such as plastic tape?
CO2 room
Is it properly secured with a padlock? If yes, is the padlock key readily available in case of an emergency?
Quick-closing valves
In many (unfortunate) cases, it has been noticed that crew block the operation of quick-closing valves by means of wooden inserts, That a no-go, as it will result in immediate PSC detention !
Smoke/heat detectors
When was the last time they were fully tested? It has been the case in the past that crew randomly checked a few sensors & this qualified as a full operational test ! NO ! Make sure you implement a maintenance plan for ALL sensors to be adequately tested in reasonable frequencies (quarterly is fine).
What is the general impression one gets when entering machinery spaces? Not limited to the E/R, but also hydraulic packs spaces & other machinery spaces? Are there any wipe rags left-over? Minor leaks that perhaps go unnoticed due to poor illumination?
Fire valves
Are ALL valves operational & can open easily in case of an emergency ?
These are only a few areas that the PSC will focus on during the forthcoming CIC !! Are your ships prepared & crew been trained adequately to pass the inspections with flying colors? If not, then you are at risk of being detained.
If in doubt, you know where to find us !!! & contact us now for a no-obligation quote! We serve the ARA region (Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp), as well as other ports in the Netherlands, Belgium & France. We will get onboard your ship(s) & carry out an extensive preparatory inspection for the forthcoming CIC, so that you don’t get unexpected surprises by PSC !!